Porsche 951 KLR Info


What’s This About?

This is the documentation of a little hobby project of mine: to figure out everything about how the Porsche 951 (944 Turbo) knock/boost control computer works. This computer is known is Porsche-speak as the KLR, which stands for…something (in German).

The role of the KLR in the 951’s engine management is very thorougly explained in the Technik document. That document is a good starting point if you landed here wondering what this is all about.

The details of the hardware and software have always been a bit of a mystery, though. The DME has been reverse-engineered by various people, and aftermarket re-writes have been on sale for years with lots of improvements over the original. The workings of the original code have been made public too as part of this project. But to my knowledge, no one has ever done the same for the KLR, until now.

What’s a KLR?

Briefly, the KLR is a secondary engine management computer found in the Porsche 944 Turbo. It works alongside the main computer (known as the DME) and provides 2 main functions:

All the details that are missing here are in the Porsche Technik document linked in the previous section.

What’s the Point of This Site?

I’ve done this purely for the purposes education and critical review - there’s no commercial aspect to this project, and it’s absolutely not a tuning or hacking tutorial. You might find it useful as a starting point for hacking - but be warned: I can’t stand over the information I’ve provided here confidently enough to guarantee that you won’t blow something up!


To understand this info on this site, you’ll need a combination of basic microcontroller programming and electronics knowledge, and a reasonable understanding of how electronic engine management works. But you don’t need to be an engineer or a professional programmer. The code we’ll be looking at is pretty archaic, and I’ve had to read a lot of old documentation in order to make sense of it, so I’ll try and explain everything as clearly as I can.

I haven’t completely reverse engineered the hardware - for me, it’s really all about the code, the logic. But you can’t understand the code without knowing what the various intput and output pins are hooked up to, so a certain amount of hardware analysis is unavoidable. The only non-trivial part of the hardware is the knock sensor amplifier, which I’ll explain in detail. A knowledge of basic, hobbyist-level electronics is all you’ll need (that’s all I have anyway).

I’ve broken my work down into 2 sections: a walkthrough of most of the key hardware and software, features, with code snippets (currently still work-in-progress), and a reference section with fairly raw information. You could just dive into the disassembled code in the reference section - it’s annotated with brief function descriptions, and you can use the pin assignments page for reference. But I’m assuming that most people reading this will benefit from a more gentle introduction, and that’s what the walkthrough is for.

It’s written to be read in the order presented below - the code can be pretty complicated in parts, even for simple features, and I need to assume that you have the basics down by the time you start looking at more advanced things like knock detection.

In the reference section I’ve provided a few notes on how to read 8048 series code. Most of this information can be found in the official pdfs in the archive section below, but they’re pretty long so I wanted to put some of the most important stuff into a more accessible document. If you find anything in the code tough going, it’s worth taking a look at my notes.




Other Reference Material (Archived)